17 JANUARY 1891, page 17

A Dog's Affection And Craftiness.. [po The Editor Of Tile

d ' SPEOTATOR."] SIR, —The insertion of the story of "A Wise Dog," in the- Spectator of January 10th, encourages me to relate an incident that happened to me in ,Cape Colony......


THE PORTRAIT ART AT THE GUELPH EXHIBITION. THERE are those who admire Wedgwood ware, and are learned in Salopian. There are those who doat on genealogies, and fables of Isenbart......


THE LARK. "Monte, monte, vive alouetto ! Vive alouette, monto aux eieux !" THE lark above our heads doth know A heaven we see not here below. She sees it, and for joy she sings......