17 JANUARY 1958, page 16

Odds And Ends

Ott., paint is an extraordinarily flexible medium; in 500 years it has been sufficient to contain the intentions of Poussin and Mond- rian as well as Rembrandt and van Gogh. It......

Saving The Phenomena

WITH the best will in the world I am getting a little tired of the farcical, commedia dell'arte style favoured by Theatre Workshop. Take the other evening, for instance. I was......

The Crooners Who Made Good

Pal Joey. (Leicester Square Theatre.)—The Enemy Below. (Carlton.) — The Letter with the Feathers. (Everyman, Hamp- stead.)—Her Crime was Love. (Cinephone.)—The Cold Heart.......

Vie Opettator

JANUARY 19, 1833 APPARATUS has lately been constructed in Brompton Church for the purpose of warming it with hot air; and, in order to guard against accident by fire, a wall was......