17 JANUARY 1987, page 28

No Blind Witness

Jon Halliday CAMBODIAN WITNESS 6y Someth May, edited and with an introduction by James Fenton Faber & Faber, f9.95 S ometh May was a young Cambodian living in the capital, Phnom......

Travelling At Home

Alan Bell SACHEVERELL SITWELL'S ENGLAND edited by Michael Raeburn Orbis, fI5.00 S ir Sacheverell Sitwell has travelled so widely and written so much, in prose and verse, over so......

Sense And Sensibility, No Persuasion

Francis King JANE AUSTEN by Tony Tanner Macmillan, f20.00 0 f the two 19th-century writers whom I frequently reread, Robert Browning is the most and Jane Austen the least in......