17 JUNE 1882, page 13

The Plague Of Caterpillars.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—Some years since, I had considerable opportunity of observing, and indulged in some speculation as to the causes of, the variation in......

R.to Tee Editor Of Ere "spectator. ") Sie, — May I Be...

to say, in reply to Mr. Scarth's letter and your own strictures on my letter, that I do not presume to be an authority on the value of exercise. As Mr. Scarth observes, it is a......

The Value Of Exercise.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Those must be exceptionally-constituted persons who will not endorse the views of your correspondent (L. E. Scarth) last week. Almost......

Professional Prizes.

[TO THE EDITOR OP TEE " tincrAroal SIR,—" Except fame, what did Jenner gain by vaccination ?" asks the Spectator, in its number for June 10th, in an article on " Professional......


MR. WARD'S "DICKENS."* WE cannot say that we think Mr. Ward successful in his esti- mate of Dickens. He is moderate in his praise and moderate in his blame,—rather......