17 MARCH 1888, page 16

Ecclesiastical Meddling And Muddling.

[To THB EDITOR or TEE " SPECTATOR."3 Sra,—Your correspondent, "A Roman Catholic," is in error when he says that there is a canon of 1604 "to the effect that the Church of......

Sunday And The Young.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Six,—Now that the Bishops have called attention to Sunday amusements, the subject will, I hope, be considered not only with reference to......

Colonel Maurice And Sir Charles Dilke.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Yon assume the accuracy of Colonel Maurice's statement of what passed between us, through a common friend, as to Lord Wolseley's use of......

The Case For Irish Nationality.

rro THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SEE,—In his article in the current number of the Contemporary _Review, entitled "Further Notes and Queries on the Irish Demand," Mr.......