17 MARCH 1950, page 17

Sir,—the Bishop Of Chichester, In His Article The Church And

the State, writes: " A national Church ought to have the right to order its own services and to determine- its own doctrine," when these are " allowed by the two Convocations,......

Classical Pets

SIR,—To the classical pets, which Mr. Harold Nicolson so charmingly recalls, let us not forget to add Tertia's playfellow. According to Plutarch, Paulus Aemilius being "......

Post Office And Public

SIR,—My experience of the Post Office is almost similar to Mr. Dale's. A letter posted in the City to me correctly addressed, except that S.E.20 was put instead of S.E.19, took......

The Church And The State

SIR. —May I suggest that the rejection by Parliament of the Revised Prayer Book in 1928, which the Bishop of Chichester cites in support of the claim for freedom of the Church......

Sir,—having Been, Like Mr. Cope Morgan, A Liberal...

the general elections of 1922, 1923 and 1929, I should like to say a word in support of the views expressed by him in the Spectator of March 3rd. The Conservative and Liberal......

Sin,—it Depends How Defective The Address Is. Apparently...

so the better, so to speak. The other day I received from Paris a letter addressed simply, " Monsieur le major Simnett, Londres 1'! It reached me practically without delay, but......

Sir,—i Am In Wholehearted Agreement With Mrs. Naylor When...

says that there is something far more basic than a party manifesto which separates Liberals. from Conservatives. I do not agree with her, however, when she says that in matters......

The Choice For Liberals Sir,—in His Recent Article Mr....

Harris stated that the declared policies of the Liberal agtd Conservative Parties at the general election were almost identical. Mrs. Naylor, in her letter in the Spectator of......