17 MAY 1940, page 15

Letters To The Editor

[In view of the 'japer shortage it is essential that letters on these pages should be brlet. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they......

The Use Of Sea Power

Sut,—The most important thing about the sea is the cargoes in the ships on its surface. Sea Power is the power to control the destination of cargoes. Sea Power is eventually......

A War-time Food Policy Sir,—an Answer To Mr. Radcliffe Is

required. I write with forty years' experience as tenant of a big farm and as a descendant of generations of farmers and small landowners. Mr. Radcliffe disparages the claim for......

Roman Catholics And The Schools Sir,—having Had Some...

obtaining a copy of Th. Spectator for May 3rd, I have been unable to see the letters of Mr. Crofts and of Non-Catholic Parent until today. May I offer some remarks to my......