17 MAY 1986, page 24

Bucking The Issue

Sir: I could not believe my eyes when there fluttered from my Spectator a promotional folder for Marxism Today. Your magazine — occasional lapses apart — presents a perceptive......

Frugal Intellectuals

Sir: In answer to your Diary note (10 May) about seating arrangements at the Periodical Publishers Association's annual editorial awards dinner, may I point out that the reason......

Moustache Warning

Sir: Alan Watkins's warning (Diary, 3 May) to be suspicious of clergymen with mous - taches because 'they are usually unba - lanced evangelicals' reminds me of the way I was......

Sauce Source

Sir: Pot and kettle department: Sheila Hutchins (Letters, 10 May) takes the otherwise excellent Jennifer Paterson cor- rectly to task on the latter's recipe for Cockaleekie. But......

Burns's Reputation

Sir: The Trustees responsible for the Burns Monument, Burns Cottage and the Museum at Alloway, Ayrshire, are fortun- ate in having the Spectator in eight volumes, published in......

Letters Silent Union

Sir: I do not wish to comment on Paul Johnson's account (9 May) of the printing unions' refusal to allow the Observer to print a book review by me or to let its readers know......

Tie Spectator

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Please enter a subscription to The Spectator I enclose my cheque for £ (Equivalent $US & Eurocheques accepted) RATES: 12 Months 6 Months UK/Eire D £41.00 El......