17 SEPTEMBER 1937, page 6

Dr. Streeter Was In Many Ways The Most Considerable Figure

in this country—he was a very considerable figure indeed —to identify himself with the Oxford Group, and Dr. Buchman and his followers are justified in making the most of it.......

One Of The Last Issues Of Mr. Gandhi's Paper Harijan

to reach this country contains a leading article (by Mr. Gandhi himself) which opens with a significant sentence : " I have been receiving several letters from different......

A Spectator's Notebook

COMMUNICATION FROM THE SECRET POLICE Coblenz, June 21st, 1937. To Assistant Preacher Herrn Ernst Loh, Horchheim bei Koblenz, Friedrichstrasse 15. " A fine of 5o R.M., or......

This Issue Of The. Spectator, I Understand, Contains An...

on ex-President Masaryk by a writer perhaps better qualified than any other in this country to appraise him. Little, obviously, remains for me, who met Dr. Masaryk only once, to......

Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, In His New Book, Look To

Your Moat, gives us some good straight talk about things in general and politicians in particular. He has nothing but benevolent contempt for " kind - hearted old people sitting......

* * * * Sectarian Sustenance

" Sausages are the traditional Anglican Sunday breakfast." —The Church Times. ANUS......

The Use And Abuse Of Freedom

N O one who reflects on the changed surroundings of life in this country, and still less anyone who considers Europe, can escape the conclusion that the " vigilance " which is......