18 APRIL 1840, page 12

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SATURDAY. The Paris papers, received ilk morning. represent the aspect of' affairs at Alexandria as very gloomy. Mete:met All had positively refused to surrender the Turkish lie......

Alosing Of The Theatres During Passion Week All'ords...

capital opportunity for making ready the Easter amusements : moreover, it leaves its a little space to vent a few thoughts suggested by Mr. 4:0 %ems K Est tu.e's late......

The French Chamber Of Kers Have Voted The Secret...

by 1 to 90. Thiers tied Ccusia are said to have spoken with great tact and ability.......

:11 () :1 Y Market.

S DWI( LXCHAUGR, Tounsazr Acre KNOON. 1 . 1 • 1(.• plentifelnees of rrad.1 - , rt . .' :oned 1.) the ismie itie Dividelek pro- duced Its t c e u i u l effect upon t Goa., I......

Tit , Queen Regent Of Si Ci H., Reconstructed Her...

sionally, that is, until she oIc.cicca further instructions front the ontnipos temt artero.......

The Following Is A Rerrect Copy Of The Archbishop Of

Dublin's letter read ut the New Zealand meetings which has been inaccurately re- ported in most of the yews's:tilers. The apprehension of an English penal settlement in New......

F,ast 1n111:1 Siiii'l'ing.

AITTV • i - .11 Liverpool, Illth, cue Charlotte, - ---,.from Ilembay, lieile • . 1 noyd, ' 1 ' .,1;ping, from lnowad. At New Smolt NN ' ales pleeive. to 1.10e. i;ai,......

The Army.

WAWOVIler. April 17.--4111 lteginictit l'or:ttl 11 Roso kEasigo balf.pay ot the re.lth Fth.11 Ito I.:, 1. 1,110‘11, Gem, to he Cornet. by purchase, vice R so, who retires. lot......

The Slogsbary Goselle Sa3 Ilsat The King Of Naples Has

called upon the Cevernments of France, Austria, aed Russia, to moderate bet ween Engla sd and Naples ; and I be Paris Aurnal du, hauls states that three French vesi-xls of war......

Thug I'ost This Mornieg Lc,a : Aong Article On New

Zealand, in which it is staved that the I/ilea:tors of the New Zealand Company are " Libe- rals all." It is not often that the .11oriiiily ( ) est eommits such a blunder ; and......