18 APRIL 1952, page 16

"the Philosophical Society Of England"

Sta,—(1) The Chairman of the Council of this society says that it has been so called for forty years "without dispute." We had never beard of it before its present......

West African Attitudes

SIR,—British West Africa is not only young but complex, and to a simple-minded European visitor appears to abound in a series of irre- concilable contradictions. It is therefore......

Letters To The Editor

Old Deeds SIR, —May I assure your correspondent, Mr. Jones-Davies, that there is no official desire to remove deeds and similar documents from the custody of their owners, as......

Freedom Of The Screen

SIR,—When a learned member of the House of Lords speaks on a piece of legislation affecting millions of people, only to be told he has got the wrong end of the tick (in the......