18 AUGUST 1950, page 16

Sir,—the Bishop Of Southwell, Whose Optimism Is...

official, attempts to attract young men into the ministry by the assurance that there will be a religious revival to welcome them. But he offers no evidence, and statistics, so......

The Rectory, Saxby-all-saints. Brigg, Lincs. Bernard...

the Bishop of Southwell on Men for the Ministry has an interest for all who care for the cause of Christianity in this country. The Bishop . is by no means a prophet devoid of......

Letters To The Editor

British Papers in Germany SIR.—I read recently in The Times with regret but npt surprise Mr. Kenneth Lindsay's letter stating that the Foreign Office proposes to close down the......

Would France Fight ?

SIR, —I have received the following from an acute observer married to a Frenchwoman :- "The logic of the Frenchman and his intelligence are too great to give him confidence in......

The Mood Of The Hour Si R,— Mar G Inal Comment Of August 4

calls for a brief marginal comment of its own from across the Atlantic—if only to tell Mr. Nicolson that, in spite of all that he may say about- the present mood in Britain, his......

Men For The Ministry

SIR, —Just four years after an article of mine appeared in,the Spectator under this heading the Bishop of Southwell writes another to point out how serious the position is......