18 DECEMBER 1920, page 22

The First Quarto Edition Of Shakespeare's " Hamlet" By Frank

G. Hubbard. (Madison : University of Wisconsin. 60 cents.)—Professor Hubbard has reprinted the First Quarto of Hamlet, modernizing the spelling and adding the modern stage......

The Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge Baa Added...

dozen pamphlets to its valuable series of Hints for Students of History. Nothing could be better, for example, than Coins and Medals (is. 6d. net), by Mr. G. F. Hill, Keeper of......

The Assembly Books Of Southampton. Vol. Ii., 1609.1610....

J. W. Horrooka. (Southampton : Cox and Sharland. 28s. net.)—The Southampton Record Society continues its admirable work of printing the rich archives of the ancient borough. The......


STORIES FOR BOYS. Mr. RICHARD BIRD has written another capital school story, The Sporting House (H. Milford, Ss. net). His hero, at the age of sixteen, has, for family reasons,......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in this column dose not necessarily preclude subsequent review] Tercentenary Ilandlist of English and Welsh Newspapers. (The Times : Hodder and Stoughton. 21s. net.)—We......

Illustrated Books.

MISS ELELHOR Biases in As the Water Flows (Grant Richards, 26s. net) describes whimsically and somewhat rhetorically her adventurous journeys in a Canadian canoe on little......

Stories For Girls.

Mother and Dad and the Rest of Us, being the first book of Archie Fairfax (Blackie, 6s. net), is a pleasant domestic fairy- tale, purporting to be told by a boy of twelve. The......