18 FEBRUARY 1955, page 8

The End Of A Thaw

By MICHAEL STUART M OSCOW correspondents have reported that they and the Western diplomats gasped with astonishment at the announcement of Malenkov's resignation, but that the......

Signor Annigoni Is Painting A Portrait Of The Queen, An

undertaking which has secured considerable publicity. The portrait was commissioned by the Company of Fishmongers, who agreed to pay the artist £2,000. The Queen has given......

One Of The Most Curious News Items Of The Week

concerned the quarrel between the BBC and the British Transport Com- mission over the television programme in the Special Inquiry series which was to have dealt with the......

Plains The Whole Business. Was The Italian State Tourist...

has put out a list attractions to lure us to San Remo, Alassio, Bordighera, a proudly heralded as 'The Defiling of the Ancient Carriages, other resorts on the 'Riviera of......


Dr. Helen Keller, The Deaf-blind American Scholar, Who...

visiting England for two days, paid the Spectator a com- pliment at her press conference on Wednesday. Asked how she kept in touch with British affairs, she said that she......