18 JANUARY 1913, page 16

The Late Canon Bell. [to The Eorros O Rius "srecrarort."1

SIR,—I venture to write a few lines about my old headmaster, Canon Bell, not as an adequate tribute to his memory, but as an attempt to record some part of his work for......

Christian Reunion And The Papacy.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE SPEETATOR:] SIR, — Dr. Macfadyen in the Spectator of January 4th does cruel injustice to Pius X. by the false light he throws on the Pope's words (quoted......

Divided Words.

[To TUE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR, — In the case of words divided between two lines in writing or printing, it is no doubt correct to place the hyphen after the first part......

Tar Whale's Bellow.

[To THE EDITOR OP THR SPECTATOR...] SIR,—In the Spectator of November 16th there is a review of Mr. Charles Roberts's "Babes of the Wild," in the course of which you challenge......

East And West.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...I SIR,—You remember how, in chapter v. of Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch's "Shining Ferry," Nicky Vro, the ferryman, explains his simple philosophy......

Sclav Or Slav?

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Can you or any of your readers inform me of the correct pronunciation and orthography of the name of the great race which threatens to......

The Slav Population Of Austria-hungary.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SrEcTATOR."3 SITL, — I stated that at the end of 1910 there were 10,050,075 Magyars in Hungary, on the authority of the Royal Hungarian Statistical......

[to The Editor Op The ''spectator...]

SIR,—In your last issue Mr. Shrubsole maintains that "the number of Magyars in Hungary alone—including, of course, Croatia"—is ten millions. This statement is misleading in two"......