18 JANUARY 1930, page 14

College Athletics.

Few documents of the kind have caused so much and such prolonged discussion as the report on American college athletics which the Carnegie Foundation issued last October. A......

American Notes Of The Week

rRE AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE. The Postmaster-General endorses, in a report to Congress, the view that an inadequate merchant marine service is seriously hampering the......

A Southern Asset.

The South, which in recent years has revealed unsuspected capacities for agricultural and industrial development, has discovered another useful asset which is to be capitalized.......

Roads Beautification.

The campaign against ugliness along American highways extends, appropriately at a time when much new highway construction is going on. In Missouri, as in Westchester County, New......

* * * * Educational Wireless.

Some time ago the Secretary of the Interior, who is in charge of Federal education, appointed a committee to investigate the educational possibilities of radio and to recommend......

The Effect Of Tariffs.

Tariff barriers do not consistently operate to keep industry cabined, cribbed and confined within narrow national boundaries. The conclusion is indicated in a report from the......