18 JANUARY 1957, page 26

Not So Wild

Wrrfrotrr intention Mr. Malcolm Macdonald has given in this book a demonstration of his fitness to be a British envoy in foreign countries. He likes humanity: his book. which is......

Crippled Genius

THE TRAGIC LIFE OF TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. By L. and E. Hanson. (Seeker and Warburg in association with Chatto and Windus, 25s.) Tuts is indeed the story of a tragedy. A wonderful......

New Novels

THE CHARITY BALL. By Egon Hostovsky. (Heine- mann, 13s. 6d.) FEW novels apart from the avowedly realist take much notice—much specific, practical notice, that is—of things like......

Beautifully Producible

WRITTEN about the time that Ezra Pound was urging that good poetry must first have the qualities of good prose, Rupert Brooke's essays are, on the contrary. good in so far as......