18 JUNE 1988, page 45

No. 1530: Whirling Words

Much has been made lately of the laun- derette. Please provide celebratory verse (maximum 16 lines) for this or another convenience shop. Entries to 'Competition No. 1530' by 1......


Perverse verse Tom Castro I n Competition No. 1527 you were asked to supply a short poem perversely con- tinuing from some famous line. In 1955, Competition No. 285 asked more......


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first......

Solution To 860: Plus-fours 'w I 'f . Lre M 'a R

°K I 'NI•G II RE 0 R G N Z 0 L3 01 R NOWNIE[AEAVRELIA VfirltP I EiKER17 IPS'Y G O, I S TtrZ I 0 LIFII EF 1 - 493L1EribE ON - OUOTA 'bAL LADSIIMUROITIN E I BIM A M . 2. 71 E T T......