18 MARCH 1882, page 3

Arabi Bey Has Been Created A Pasha, And Seventeen Of

the officers who supported him have been promoted to Colonelcies, and the Bedouins who were on his side have been confirmed in their privileges. The military government in Egypt......

The Land Leaguers Made A Violent Attempt On Thursday Night

to discredit Mr. Forster's speech at Tullamore, by suggest- ing that Mr. Forster had a large number of policemen, sub- inspectors, &c., on the spot to protect him ; that these......

If Philanthropists Are In Want Of A Scheme By Which

they may relieve misery and earn ten per cent., there is one ready to their hands. Let them establish a Bank, lending money at that rate on bills of sale. The present system is......

The Management Of The Navy Proceeds On The Same Lines.

Mr. Trevelyan, in moving the Estimates on Thursday, after showing how the Admiralty had improved the position both of the marines and of the engineers until the Navy has "the......

An Amicable Discussion Was Raised In The Lords On Monday

by Lord Lamington upon the question of the Charter granted to the North Borneo Company. We have commented on Lord 'Granville's speech, which we cannot think satisfactory, else-......

Outside Parliament The Government Is Working Steadily...

so often neglected, that of strengthening the Fighting Services. Mr. Childers' exhaustive speech of Monday night showed that he has consistently pursued his object of keeping a......

The Elevation Of Mr. Robartes To The Peerage Through The

death of his father leaves vacant a - seat for East Cornwall, which the Conservatives are going to contest, and Mr. Tremayne has been chosen by them for this purpose. On the......

The French Government Is Certainly " Radical " Enough Upon

the question of religion. Its new educational law provides that no religions teaching, even of the most undogmatic kind, shall be given within the school buildings, but that an......

Consols Were On Friday 101- 1 1- To 1011.
