18 MARCH 1911, page 2

The Chief Feature Of The Debate On The Navy Estimates,

which took place on Thursday, was Mr. Balfour's speech on Arbitration with the United States. We have dealt with the whole subject in our leading columns, but must find space......

We Are Exceedingly Glad That Mr. Balfour Pat This Point

so clearly and so well. It is most important that America and the world should realise what is the undoubted fact— that the people of this country are anxious to enter into an......

After Mr. Balfour Had Condemned The Publication Of The...

of the Admiralty in Sir Ian Hamilton's book, Sir Edward Grey replied for the Government. He said that they relied on the two-Power standard as regards European Powers. The......

The Crux Is Of Course The Constitution Of The Tribunal.

For ourselves we should be perfectly willing to take three judges from each country and let one retire by lot in order to avoid the risk of the court being equally divided. If,......

Mr. King Moved An Amendment In Favour Of Restriction By

international agreement, and was soon followed by Lord Charles Beresford, with whose speech we have dealt else- where. Mr. McKenna explained that the growth of British......

Mr. Haldane Introduced The Army Estimates On Tuesday. He...

by stating that the first concern in military matters was the preservation in their full strength and efficiency of our overseas garrisons in India and elsewhere, and recorded......

Mr. Balfour, In That Part Of His Speech Which Dealt

with the state of the Navy, insisted on the special point raised by Mr. Arthur Lee—namely, that the spring of 1914 would be the critical period. According to Mr. Lee we shall......

Touching On The Newly Established Veterans' Reserve, Com-...

men who had served with the colours and passed through the reserve but who in many cases were only a little over thirty, Mr. Haldane expressed the hope that the recruit- ing to......