18 MARCH 1916, page 14

Lincoln's Religious Character.

[To ens Emma or THE " SpEoTAT0R.1 Srn,—In your interesting review in the Issue of January 8th of a new book on Abraham Lincoln you rightly say : " We can never hear too much......

The East Herts Election.

fro TER EDITOR OP THE " 8PEoTATOR.1 Sre,—On a dreary morning in December, 1914, the ancient town of Whitby was suddenly startled by a roar so deafening as to suggest tho crack......

The Big Battalions.

rr0 THE Fames OF THE "Monroe.") Sta,—Was Napoleon the author of the saying that God is on the aide of the big battalions ? Bartlett attributes it to Voltaire, and says it occurs......

Justice And Security.

[To THE EDITOR 01 THE S11.0111'0E-1 SIE,—I have read with interest your article on " Justice and Security " as summarizing Mr. Asquith's declarations regarding the conditions of......

Practical Help For The Woun. Ded.

[To TEE EDITOR or TRH " SpEerATOIL."1 Sra,—I have to thank you for your kindness in inserting my letter in your issue of March 4th. I should be glad if you could see your way to......

The Shakespeare Head Press. [to The Editor Of Tee...

Sre,—We, the undersigned librarians, bog to associate ourselves with the appeal made in your columns for the " Shakespeare Head Press " at Stratford-upon-Avon. The endowment of......

Extension Of Women's Employment.

THE Home Secretary and the President of the Board of Trade send for publication the attached important appeal to employers with regard to the substitution of women for mon in......