18 MAY 1889, page 1

Mr. Byron Reed, M.p. For East Bradford, Moved An Amend-

ment declining to entertain Mr. Dillwyn's resolution, in con.. sidemtion of the "great and growing influence and work of the National Church, especially in the Principality of......

News Of The Week.

G ERMANY is greatly moved by some formidable strikes. They began among the coalminers of Westphalia, but are extending to the collieries in Silesia, and also to other trades,......

The French Government Is Evidently Thinking Anxiously Of...

It has given the cue to its supporters that nothing which can be avoided shall be discussed, and will with- draw every unpopular proposal, the Income-tax in particular. It has,......

At The Evening Sitting On Tuesday, Mr. Dillwyn Moved His

resolution,—" That, as the Church of England in Wales has failed to fulfil its professed object as a means of promoting the religious interests of the Welsh people, and......

Mr. Osborne Morgan, Who Seconded Mr. Dillwyn's Resolu-...

rather less moderate in tone than the Member for Swansea. He quoted Mr. Spencer Walpole to the & effect that "it is absurd to say that a country enjoys reptesentative......

* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In

any case.......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, May 25th, wilt be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages .of which will be devoted to Advertisements. Advertisements......