18 MAY 1918, page 1

As To The Extension Of The British Front, Mr. Lloyd

George said that the question, though discussed, was not decided by the Versailles Council, at which General Maurice was not present. The extension had been agreed upOn by Sir......

Mr. Lloyd George Described The Motion As Unprecedented....

had remained at the War Office after the Prime Minister's speech of April 9th was made, but had not complained of any mis- statements to him, or the Cabinet, or the Chief of......

In The House Of Commons On Thursday Week Mr. Asquith

moved for a Select Committee to inquire into General Maurice's letter impugning the accuracy of statements made by Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Bonar Law. His motion, he said, was......

For The Present, Then, We Leave Our Criticism Of Mr.

Lloyd George in order, as the plea is, that he may have full power to get on with the war, and with the arraying and uniting of all the anti-German forces in the country—a......

News Of The Week.

I N to-day's issue we have finished our outline history of Mr. Lloyd George's Administration and its origins. The task has been neither agreeable nor popular. It would have been......

Whether It Is Popular Or No, Or Whether A Hypnotized

public opinion condemns us or does not condemn us, we mean to make the maintenance of these three pledges the test by which to judge Mr. Lloyd George. If they are kept inviolate......

His First Pledge Was To Apply Conscription To Ireland, To

apply it at once, and not to let its application be made dependent upon his Home Rule schemes. As he himself put it, Conscription in Ireland is required in order to supply and......

The Third Pledge Is One Which, If Not Directly Made,

is implied in all Mr. Lloyd George's speeches. It is the pledge to fight German influences, and to fight them to the uttermost, wherever they are to be found, whether at home or......

The Paper Shortage.

TO OUR READERS.—The shortage of paper has obliged us to adopt the policy, already adopted by many of our contemporaries, of refusing to allow the " Spectator" to be "on sale or......