18 NOVEMBER 1955, page 7

Political Commentary

BY HENRY FAIRLIE T HE day after I saw the veteran cars arrive on the front at Brighton I saw pictures of the veteran statesman arriving back in London. I frankly admit that I......

When I Wrote My (well Deserved) Puff For Unicef (un

Children's Fund) Christmas cards the other week I said that `the sale of one box of ten cards means, for example, that fifty children can have milk every day for a week.' A box......

A Spectator's Notebook

I WAS DELIGHTED to see Admiral Sir William James raising the question of censorship under the Official Secrets Act in The Times the other day. Nothing is more infuriating than......

Let's Face It, Said The Daily Mirror; Up To Now

the conference has produced nothing but a dismal draining away of the Geneva Spirit. The Mail, with a different story, suggested that Mr. Molotov had drowned the Geneva Spirit......

The Commercial Television People Cannot Be Very Happy...

results of the survey conducted by the hardware retailers, which have been published this week in the Hard- ware Trade Journal. Of the retailers in the transmitting area, nearly......

I Was Inclined To Discount The Rumours Which Have Been

circulating recently about the tyre monopoly. The accusa- tion that the Monopolies Commission Report on the tyre ring was being held up at the request of the ringers themselves......