18 OCTOBER 1919, page 15

A Footnote To Indian History.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sra,—In your issue for August 30th was a letter from Mr. Gerald Ritchie containing a flattering reference to the conduct of my grandfather,......

The Pension Scandal.

[To THE Eerroa OF THZ " SPECTATOR.") Stn,—With regard to the article and correspondence which have lately appeared in your columns in reference to the "Pension Scandal," the......

Red Cross Women.

[To THE Berms or THE " Srecraroa."] SIR. —As one of what may be called the " unoovenanted Red Cross nurses," I should like to endorse most heartily the suggestion in your......

Dr. Scott Holland Memorial Fund.

[To TEE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—May we ask space to say that this Fund, which has been imperfectly advertised, will be closed on November let? The sum of £1,600 has......

War Memorial Inscriptions.

[To THE EDITOR or TEE SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In thinking of an inscription fit for the war memorial one instinctively turns to the model of the Greek epigram. I have aimed, I hope......

Lo, Tee Poor Anglo-indian—.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Snt,—The extremely low level of artistic and literary ability which obtains in India is, I think, the reason for the employ. meat here......

They won the victor's crown in many lands. Afar they rest. At Home their token stands. In many lands the victor warriors rest. Here - he their saving valour over blest. The......