18 OCTOBER 1997, page 36

Letters The Tebbit Factor

Sir: Lord Tebbit shows his distressing loss of touch with mainstream Conservatism (`Tories, don't cool down', 11 October) by interpreting my view that the Tories must warmly......

Sir: I Was A Member Of The History Working Group

of the National Curriculum Council in 1989 and 1990. Our task was to set up a new curriculum. Though the Group was accused of being Thatcherite, it was melan- choly to see its......

Illustrating History

Sir: While broadly agreeing with much of what Stephan Shakespeare has to say about school history teaching ('Old Britain, new history', 11 October), as the only so/us schoolbook......

Sir: Simon Brocklebank-fowler (aged 36) Is Wrong. Peter...

the best-looking of the Conservative candidates in the leader- ship race: Clarke, too fat; Redwood, too thin; Hague, too bald; Lilley, not perfect, but, hell, beggars cannot be......

Major And Friends

Sir: Matthew Parris devoted a flattering amount of attention to Bye Bye Blues, my LETTERS autopsy of the Major government for Chan- nel 4 (`Getting Major', 4 October), but I......

Sir: Who Has Ordained That Homosexuals, Ethnic Minorities...

women should `make the nation's cultural weather' (`Be cooler, gayer and less white', 4 October)? They sound like the very last groups that sensible people would look to for......