18 SEPTEMBER 1869, page 1

It Would Not Be So Surprising If The Manchester Meeting

had consisted of working-men, but of that there was no sign. The last of Mr. Coningsby's able and instructive letters on " The Working- Classes in the United States"—which we......

The Emperor Is A Great Deal Better, And He Has

been able to drive once at least through the boulevards of Paris ; but it is pretty certain, from the Lancet's report on the malady from which he has been suffering, that it is......

News Of The Week.

W HEN we say that there seems to be grave fears of a war be- tween Spain and the United States in relation to Cuba, we repeat what looks very like a moral impossibility, but is......

The Irish Church Conference Seems To Be Doing Pretty Well.

It has rejected the proposition to have ex officio members in the Con- stituent Church body by a large majority—by 107 to 29 ;—and still better, it has rejected a resolution of......

In England The Event Of The Week Has Been The

outbreak of a Protection fever in the very birthplace and home of Free Trade, —Manchester. It is denied, indeed, that the movement is Pro- tectionist, as it professes at present......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


It Looks As If Mr. Gladstone Would Have To Renew

a good proportion of the whole English Epgeopate. The Bishop of Exeter has resigned at last, but is so ill that it is doubtful if he will be able to oomplete the formalities of......