19 APRIL 1890, page 2

Mr. Goschen's Budget On Thursday Night Was Received With...

favour on both sides of the House. In his speech he gave a very much less formal exposition of the figures than any Chancellor of the Exchequer during the last twenty years, not......

We Regret To Notice The Death Of The Marquis Tseng,

formerly Chinese Ambassador to London and Paris, though not for the reasons we see assigned. We do not believe that the deceased statesman desired to introduce European ideas......

For The Current Year, Mr. Goschen Estimated The...

£86,857,000, and the revenue at £90,406,000, showing a surplus of £3,549,000. Of this surplus, Mr. Goschen pro- posed to spend £300,000 in the year on barracks for the Army;......

The Gladstonians Have Gained A Seat In The Carnarvon...

The election took place yesterday week, when Mr. Lloyd George was elected by the very narrow majority of 18 votes (for Mr. Lloyd George, 1,963 votes ; for Mr. Ellis Nanney,......

In Considering The Revenue Of The Year, Mr. Goschen Remarked

that the chief improvement had taken place in the first nine months, and that there had been a real retardation in the last quarter, which had suggested the necessity for great......

M. Carnot Is Making A Progress Through Southern France, And

intends even to visit Corsica, where the Napoleonic legend still lingers, constituting, in fact, the great popular epic. He is well received everywhere, and we note, as a......

But In Order To Find The Local Taxation Necessary To

replace the rejected Wheel and Horse taxes of last year, Mr. Goschen further proposed not only to transfer the Beer-duty (£386,000) to the Local Councils, but to put a tax of......

The Value Of Silver Has Been Going Up All The

week, and may go much higher, the two Houses of Congress having agreed on a Bill to compel the Treasury to buy $4,500,000 a month of silver, instead of $2,000,000. Certificates......