19 APRIL 1930, page 21

F, I. Harvey Darton's Edition Of The Surprising Adven- Tures

of Baron Miinchausen (Navarre Society, 12s. 6d.) reminds us that there once existed an actual man called Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Baron von Manchausen. This worthy was a......

If A Double-page Review Were Wasted On Mr. Donald Barr

Chidsey's Marlborough (Murray, 15s.), it would hardly be enough to set forth the errors of fact with which the book fairly bristles. Perhaps Mr. Chidsey's two crowning glories......

The 'emden,' Which Ranged The Seas For Three Months, Eluding

all effor t s at capture, is probably the greatest privateer in history, and her coinmander, Captain" N , on Muller, js worthy to rank with our own naval heroes. In The Ayesha,......

Mr, William Bell's Rip Van Scotland (palmer. 2s. 6d.) Is,

as its title implies, a stinging challenge to Scotland (which the author in derisively subtle irony calls Seotlandshire) to wake up. To wake up to its rapid anglicization, to......

. The Competition

THE Editor of the Spectator offers . a prize of £5 5s. for the best County Story. Stories must not exceed two 'hundred words in length. The Editor reserves the right to publish......

Some Books Of The Week

The Sketch Book of the Lady Sei Shanagon, translated from the Japanese by Nobuko Kobayashi, with an introduction by Mrs. Adams Beck, is a small volume in "The Wisdom of the East......
