19 DECEMBER 1958, page 18

Spanning The Great Divide

was, as Dr. Hemmings guessed, delighted that my article 'Spanning the Great , Divide' should draw a little fire. .. (1) Certainly Keele's advantage in having four years instead......

Industrial Disputes Tribunal Sir,—the Government's...

and so put an end to the machinery of the Industrial Disputes Tribunal is a blow at the very existence of certain `blackcoar organisations such as the Guild of Insurance......

Blushful Epicene Sir,—i Am Confused By The Way In Which

Leslii Adrian changes sex each week. On week a cone spondent refers to her as Mr. Adrian and the nex another correspondent talks of him as Miss Adrian May we have a definitive......

Platform Nine

S1R, — In his article 'Ward Politics' (Spectator, Novem - ber 21) our worthy friend Taper has wished upon the Minister of Health a most awful fate—lo doss down on Platform Nine......

The Church Of England And Divorce Sir,—i Should Like To

make two comments on Canon F. J. Shirley's interesting letter (December 5). (1) The learned Canon assumes that Disestablish- ment would, ipso facto, provide my 'opponents'......