19 FEBRUARY 1876, page 18

The Burials Bill.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The parish churchyard for every parishioner, with what service, decent and orderly, the parishioner pleases ; why not also the parish......

The Manchester Election.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] you permit me to call your attention to an incident of the recent election at Burnley ? Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Bright wrote letters in support......


MY SONG. You ask a song, Such as of yore, an autumn's eventide, Some blest boy-poet caroll'd,—and then died. Nay, I have sung too long. Say, shall I fling A sigh to Beauty at......

Grisly Bears And Tigers.

[To his EDITOR Or sracra1es.1 Sus,—To-day, for the first time, I have seen Lord Southesk's letter to you on the subject of the comparative strength of grisly bears and tigers.......

Rro The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir.—along The...

the expression "a school of mackerel" is as invariably used as "a shoal of herring." I speak from experience, baying seen a village depopulated, its church and chapels deserted,......


LORD PALMERSTON.* (FIRST NOTICE.] THESE volumes will be even more eagerly read, and probably will better satisfy the curiosity of Englishmen as to the great poli- tical figure......