19 FEBRUARY 1916, page 2

Turning To The " Sinews Of War," Mr. Asquith Commented

on the unprecedented nature of the problem. It was not a question of gold, but of all commodities and of shipping. Another very large vote of credit would be necessary. The......

We Note With Interest That 'the Times In Its Thursday's

issue sets Lord Derby a new task, that of unravelling the whole tangle of our official relations with the American Press. Probably the tangle is not now quite as bad as it is......

In A Word, All The Signs Point To The Germans

hurling them- solves upon the Allies. That they will make:their grand hammer- stroke upon the Western front seems also logical. Experience has shown them that they can overrun......

On Tuesday The New Session Of Parliament Was Opened By

Royal Commission in the absence of the King. The King's Speech said that the spirit of the Allies, united by ever- strengthening ties, remains steadfast in the resolve to secure......

Mr. Asquith Said That Thanks Mainly To The Italians, The

Serbian Army, to the number of a hundred thousand, had been reorganized and refitted, and he hoped it would prove an important element in the future fighting. The campaign in......

There Have Been Rumours That The Germans Are Massing In

great numbers in the neighbourhood of Salonika, and that an attack may be expected before long. That is possible, but it is ntuch more likely that these rumours are spread about......

Russia, France, And Britain On Wednesday Made A Solemn...

to the Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs at Havre, in which they not only renew their previous engagements, but supplement them by assuring the Belgians that when the proper......

Quito Apart From The Fact That That Never Has Been

and never , will be the spirit of our people under disaster, all the old dread of invasion has passed away with the development of trench fighting. We know that if the Germans......

In The House Of Commons On Wednesday The Much. Talked - Cif

eeir tiebete took place. The Government anal:Nutted -9F.bUkill the mouths of Mr. Balfour, Mr. Tennant, and Mr. Samuel that the defence of London against air raids was......

Nevertheless, And In Spite Of The Belief That They Must

at all costs keep up their spirits, and persuade themselves not only that they are going to win but are winning, they cannot resist the scientific habit of constantly measuring......

In The House Of Lords Lord Midleton's Speeoh Was In

the main a series of questions, and Lord Crewe in replying promised a day for discussing the blockade. A discussion on Salonika would be unprofitable and dangerous. The number......

There Remains, Therefore, Only The West, And On The West

they will fall. In all probability the attack will go hand in hand with some grandiose naval venture—somo attempt, bylinkingup huge fleets of Zeppelins and submarines with......