19 FEBRUARY 1954, page 7

The Strix Plan For Mps

b There is obviously a strong case for increasing MPs' salaries . them, it is only slightly stronger than the case against increasing d .em, which rests on grounds both of......

A Spectator's Notebook

A NOSTALGIC Imperialism has long been a guiding principle of Chinese cartography, and for many years all home-produced maps of the country have included within her boundaries......

To Re Questionnaire Addressed By The Select Committee...

assemblies in foreign countries in order to ° I-It how their membbrs fare included the question " What amenities are available ? " The Dutch were the only people who felt......

The Nenedwardians ,

1926 is, of course, much longer ago than people of my generation realise. Watching The Boy Friend, Mr. Sandy Wilson's admirable pastiche of a 1926 musical comedy, which seems to......


" When you are ordering luncheon or dinner on this train," said the menu, " may we draw your attention to the interesting wines now provided at prices as reasonable as any you......

What Now ?

S 0 it has been a failure, the meeting of the four Powers in Berlin. At least it has blocked the main Western aim which was to find a way of uniting Germany. An article Everest......