19 JANUARY 1962, page 14

One For The Morgue.

SIB,—Your correspondents John Powell and Basil Cripps (January 5) should both know bow to answer their* own questions, and you, sir, were nodding when you moiled your editorial......

Committee Of 100-plus

SIR,—Bernard Levm is of course completely right in his strictures on the Secretary of the Scots Corn. mittee of 100. Most of its members would lose their crusading zeal at once......

Sir,—burglars Will Be Well Advised To Operate Under The...

then they can be excused 'partly be- cause they are often unaware of their condition.' Your last sentence reminds me that the speed limits in the parks were increased from 20......

God And The Soviets

Sia,-L-Mrs. E. M. Horsley, the publisher's editor responsible for bringing out in English God and the Soviets by C. de Grunwald, says that in my review of the book 'I went......

Str,—ln His Defence Of Advertis:ng—based On The Premise...

is the way things are, and it pays us, and the rest of you will just have to put up with it—Mr. Brian Copland writes: . . the small pro- portion of the population who disliked......

Justice In Jerusalem Sir,—has It Ever Occurred To Telford...

that judges, when acting in their official capacity, do not normally reach their decisions via personal specula- tions on situations and facts but by conscientiously......

The Witching Hour

SIR,—It appears from your issue of December 29 that Mr. Bamber Gascoigne hasn't been doing his Shakespeare homework. He wades into the Old Vic production of Macbeth because it......

Sir,—'advertising Would Be All Right If It Weren't For The

client' is an old joke—but a bad one. The apparently growing tendency for clients to dictate more and more to agencies (overtly or otherwise) is especially dangerous in the way......

In Ferment Sir,—mr. Darsie Gillie Has Attempted To Bestow...

the four French spies now awaiting trial in Cairo a diplomatic character they do not legally enjoy. After the uncovering of this French subversion and espionage case, the......