19 JULY 1851, page 20

Publications Received.

[This volume contains a brief sketch of the origin and subsequent history of the Jesuits, followed by an account of sonic of the Jesuitical doctrines, arranged under distinct......

Castle-deloraine, Or The Ruined Peeil * Notwithstanding...

book aims at being a philosophical novel—" truth severe in fairy fiction dressed." The truth embraces the evils of primogeniture, the aris- tocrat feeling which looks to......


On the 4th July, at Copenhagen, the Wife of J. H. Drummond Hay, Esq., her Ma- jesty's Char0 d'Affaires in Morocco, of a daughter. On the 5th, at Sedgeford Hall, Norfolk, the......

Military Gazette. War-office, July 18.-4th Regt. Drag....

to be Capt. by purchase, vice Nicolls, who retires ; Cornet J. R. Scott to be Lieut. bypurchsse. ice M Creagh ; Cornet R. J. Henry to be Lieut. by purchase, vice W. W. It. Wil-......