19 JULY 1902, page 21

Splendid Mourning. By Cranstoun Metcalfe. (ward, Lock,...

ed.)—There is a great deal that is good in this novel, though the author seems, to use a vulgar ex- pression, to have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, and confused causes......


bitrnia).* OLDFIELD is a -Kentucky Cranford—with a difference. The difference is that the setting of outside things in which Miss Banks puts her human figures is much more vivid......

The Subtle Thing That's Spirit. By Geraldine Hodgson. (a....

and Co. Gs.)—It is impossible to congratulate Miss Hodgson on the title of her novel. It is indeed extraordinarily clumsy when used out of its context and on a title-page.......

State Trials: Political And Social.* The Third And Fourth...

of Slate Trials have greatly increased our obligation to Mr. Stephen. The author has again exercised his choice of materials with the utmost dis- cretion and care, and deserves......