19 JUNE 1909, page 15

America And The Command Of The Sea., Ito Tea Editor

OF TUE " SPROTATOR."J SIR, —Your article of May 22nd on "America and the Command of the Sea" reminds me of a talk I gave to some of the boys in my school earlier in the year. I......

Could Universal Military Training- Be An Open Question P

[To Fes ]6DITO4 Or was o SFICOT AMR." SI R, — Your exeellent article on "The End and the Means" in last week's spectator gives me hope that you may publish a letter on the......

Letters To The Editor.

MR. ROOSEVELT AND SIR HORACE PLUNKETT. ere THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROT1T011.1 SIR, - -Various questions asked in Parliament have failed to -elicit any clear reason why the letter......