19 MARCH 1954, page 16

Country Life

Not everyone is inwardly urged to spend his leisure fishing or tramping the roads in late winter and early spring. There are people resigned to sitting by the fire and waiting......

Precious Days


John Bull's Other Island

SIR,—In my article ' John Bull's Other Island ' you have me talking about the availability of Irish ports for " the natives of the Atlantic nations." What I wrote was " the......

Old People Who Used To Be Called The Middle Classes--whose

means, never large, have been so cruelly reduced by the inflated cost of living that they may now rightly be called the new poor. be occupied by old people able and willing to......

When I Met B. He Was In A Hurry And

he had an anxious look, for he was on his way to see the vet. about a post-mortem on a cow —the second animal he has lost in about two weeks. He mumbled about a complaint called......



Competitors Were Asked To Describe, In The Form Of An

aircraft recognition lecture, a new type of aircraft. The lecture was to cover such features as history, performance and characteristics, What' a wealth of aeronautical jargon......