19 MAY 1877, page 14

Animal Instinct.

(TO THE EDITOR OF TEl "SPECTATOR.") Sut,—As I am sure your sympathies are not confined to dogs,. though at present they only have appeared in your paper, I anl. going to ask you......

Letters To The Editor.

THE DISESTABLISHED CHURCH OF IRELAND AND ITS THEOLOGY. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') Sirt,—No doubt Mr. Murphy ' s statement, "That the revision of the Prayer-Book,......

Posal For A Reform In English Spelling. Sir John Cheke

is popu- larly known chiefly by the well-known lines in Milton ' s sonnet:— " Thy age, like ours, 0 soul of Sir John Choke, Hated not learning worse than toad or asp, When thou......

Sir W. Harcourt On Critics.

W E forget who it was—it sounds like Mr. Disraeli—but is not, we think, his epigram,—who said of Sir Robert Peel that so wedded was he to the ordinary and the accustomed, "that......