19 MAY 1883, page 23

A Child Of The Menhir. By Austin Clare. 3 Vols.

(Tinsley Brothers.) —This is one of the few novels which we can recommend without re- serve to our readers. The scene is laid in Brittany, the time is the era of the French......

Ensilage In America. By James E. Thorold Rogers, M.p. (w.

Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—It is just possible that some of our readers may not know that "ensilage" is the practice of storing green fodder in pits—if that may be called a pit......

Of High Degree. By Charles Gibbon. 3 Vols. (matto And

Windus.)—This is a remarkably well-constructed story. Few readers, we imagine, will be altogether satisfied with the conclusion of Mr. Gibbon's narrative; but none will deny......

Current Literature.

Sunny Lands and Seas : a Voyage in the SS. Ceylon.' By Hugh Wilkinson. (John Murray.)—The yachts that circumnavigate the globe are doubtless among the luxuries of advanced......

A Rough Journey.*

Tins book may be viewed in several lights. If the reader taker it to be a prospectus of new gold diggings on the West Coast of Africa, he would do well to skip the whole of the......