19 OCTOBER 1945, page 14

Island Censorship

SIR, —In the article on the ," Future of Malta h " Canon Nicholls refers to a "notorious occasion (when) a parcel of books . . . was quietly destroyed by the post-office......

Country Life

AN astonishingly gloomy account of English villages is sketched in an else charming little book by Mr. Orwin, who sees salvation for rural England only in much larger villages,......

The Electrical Future

Sta,—Dr. Percy Dunsheath's article on the electrical future in your current issue prompts me to inquire whether the attention of electrical experts has yet been turned to the......

Peril I/4 Palestine

Siat,—I have been much interested in the article in your number of August 31st entitled ' Peril in Palestine," by Brigadier Stephen H. Longrigg. There is one point which never......

The Surest Apple

Controversy as to the best apple (Cox always excepted) can never be settled ; but it seems that of apples immune to frost, Edward VII excels others, chiefly thanks to its......

A Whitewashed Weed

One of the most highly honoured of plants by the modern school of gardeners is the once scorned nettle. The leading authority on fruit trees, for example, the highly......

First Catch Your Maid

Snt,—Mr. Gardner in his witty article was concerned with the problem of swinging cats, and the inevitable indignity to that proud and reserved creature. Surely, the old saying......

Postage On This Issue: Inland, Id.; Overseas,


A Rabbit Acrobat Harvest, And Haysel, Are Dangerous...

a good many animals, and there are some hair-raising escapades. The other day, for example, a young rabbit was tossed on to the canvas moving platform as the blade of the......

• The B.m. Reading Room Sir, —apropos Janus's Plea For...

the British Museum or some part of it, may I put in a special word for students in the reading room? I have recently been granted a ticket to carry on research and labour in the......

In My Garden

The best berries at present on show are on the loaded boughs of a wilsonae barbery, the best of all the dwarfs. Blackbirds, which cleared the mountain ash before the berries......