19 OCTOBER 1956, page 17

Letters To The Editor

Conscience and Constituents Lord Altrincham Secret Police Powers Berm W. Levy The 'Mail' and the Guards William Hardcastle Bread and Flour Sidney Dark Oxford Divided T. C. W.......

View—and It Follows With Inescapable Logic From What He Has

said to his constituents— then he has surely not gone far enough in the action which he has taken, or proposes to take. He should bring his revolutionary creed out into the......

Secret Police Powers

SIR,—May I offer one small correction to Mr. Benenson's correction of Mr. Curran? The resolution I moved at Blackpool to limit the encroachment of secret police was lost, it is......

It Was Only After This Exclusive Report Had Appeared In

the early editions of the Daily Mail for October 8 and inquiries from other quarters were being made, that the War Office issued its own statement. This, somewhat naturally,......

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