19 OCTOBER 2002, page 42

Israeli Tactics

From Mr Emerson Roberts Sir: Emma Williams's article ('Why Sharon wants war', 5 October) sets out some important facts about the Palestinian issue as it now stands. However, it......

Helping The Dispossessed

From Sir Albert Robinson Sir: The Commonwealth troika meeting in the Nigerian capital Abuja to assess whether any progress had been made by Zimbabwe ended in failure. Both South......

Those Strigine 'snores'

From Colonel G.H. Peebles Sir: I much enjoyed Paul Johnson's article 'The castle of snoring owls and laughing ospreys' (And another thing, 28 September), but was surprised that......

Talent And Its Absence

From Mr Allan Ronald Sir: Petronella Wyatt (Singular life, 12 October), musing on the Archer prison diaries and 'The Ballad of Reading Gaol', comments, 'If he [Wilde] could do......

Not So Sinister

From Mr Bruce Anderson Sir: My piece (`Don't call us nasty', 12 October) suffered from a glitch in transmission. It read, 'Mr Dyke also has to find an audience for his political......