1 APRIL 1876, page 1

The Week Has Been Full Of Rumours Of An Intended

abdication of the Czar. They appear to be thus far true, that the Emperor, who is ill, depressed, and over-worked, intends to enjoy a long holiday in a Southern climate, in......

The Queen Left Windsor On Monday For Baden-baden, Where, And

at Coburg, she is to reside for a month, receiving visits ; among others one from the Emperor of Germany. The assigned and pro- bably true cause of this visit is a bereavement......

News Of The Week.

THE second reading of the Royal Titles Bill in the House of Lords was carried on Thursday night without a division,—the Liberal party reserving itself for the vote on Lord......

The Andrassy Note Appears As Yet To Have Been Rather

a futile diplomatic effort. The Insurgents in the II erzegov ina have absolutely refused to yield, telling the Austrian Governor of Dalmatia, General Rodich, that the Turkish......

Lord Hartington Intends Next Week To Raise A Debate On

the vote in the Estimates for Mr. Cave's mission. In this debate, the angry feeling of the country at the Egyptian muddling will find distinct expression. It seems clear that......

Lord Napier And Ettrick, As A Former Governor Of Madras,

held that the title of "Sovereign Paramount in India" would be beat; but if the Government would not adopt that, he thought that 44 Emperor" and " Empress "approached nearer to......

*,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
