1 APRIL 1899, page 14

[to Tee Editor 07 The " Spectator."]

SIR, - I am not concerned to refute the inferences of your correspondent, Mr. Arthur R. Hunt, in the Spectator of March 25th, as to the priesthood of the laity drawn from the......

The Church Controversy.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In the Spectator of March 25th, when speaking of the two points in the Church controversy raised by Lord Ports- mouth, you say :—" No......

The Cumberland Footpath Case.

(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.'] Sin,—A footpath case more protracted than any in the memory of man in the Northern Circuit was concluded at the Carlisle Assizes last month.......

[to Thy Editor Op Thz "spectator. "] Sts, —will You Allow Me

to repudiate Mr. Llewelyn Davies's assumption that we who use the Sacrament of Penance ascribe to the priest " a supernatural prerogative which either con- fers an unspeakable......