1 APRIL 1989, page 33

Nobody Told Her When To Stop

Anthony Blond HOW TO GROW OLD DISGRACEFULLY by Hermione Gingold Gollancz, £12.95, pp.224 In another play, I was a bullfrog. The BBC had no library of recorded sound effects then......

Monarchy Rests On Consenting Adult Males

Paul Johnson A HISTORY OF PARLIAMENT: THE MIDDLE AGES by Ronald Butt Constable, BO. pp.6O2 T he English parliament has had more influence in the world than any other political......

The Atlantic Becomes The Inland Sea

C.H. Sisson A HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIMES by Ford Madox Ford Carcanet, £25, pp.262 A s a writer I have always bothered my head so little about politics', Ford wrote, 'that I have......