1 APRIL 2000, page 29

Shock Of The Old

From Mr Kevin Dawson Sir: Just where does one start in reply to David Yelland's extraordinary piece 'Cogi- to, Ergo Sun' (18 March)? I guess that if you've spent your entire......

The New Hancock

From Mr Peter Smalley Sir: I must suggest to the usually reliably Michael Vestey that he is wrong about Gra- ham Fellows (Arts, 25 March). Mr Fel- lows's invention, John......

It's Saddam's Fault From Peter Hain, Mp Sir: I Have

corrected the nonsense that the Foreign Office 'blocked' George Gal- loway's flight to Iraq so many times that I am amazed to see John Casey repeating it in The Spectator (`They......

Georgian Spat

From Jacob Simon Sir: As the curator responsible for the new 18th-century galleries at the National Por- trait Gallery, I am delighted that your cor- respondent, John Martin......