1 AUGUST 1846, page 2

Pope Pius The Ninth Proceeds Excellently With His...

: the political amnesty is published, and it is right hearty in its terms. The exceptions are not extensive, nor absolute, nor altogether improper. It has created quite a......

The United States Are Obstinate In The War Against Mexico,

though not very rapid in advance. The attack by sea is to be pushed more vigorously ; and San Juan d'Ulloa is to be assailed. It is melancholy to see even so debased a nation as......

The Dissension Among The Repealers In Ireland Has Grown To

an open rupture: Mr. Smith O'Brien has actually seceded from the Association, with the members of the Young Ireland party, after a two-days wrangle with Mr. John O'Connell. The......

Dann% An Vrotetbings In Parliament.

THE SUGAR-DITTIES. In the House of Commons, on Monday, the debate on the new Sugar- duties commenced; Lord Joni RUSSELL moving the order of the day for the House to resolve......

Affairs Look Ill At The Cape Of Good Hope. The

Kara have not been effectually repulsed ; but on the contrary, they are in -possession of a large tract of the country, which is given up to all the horrors of war. The military......

Another Attempt-.-tha Seventh—has Been Made On The Lea Of...

Louis Philippe, during the great national festival, " the days of July." The crime, however, is apparently divested of ordinary political motives, and is an act of insanity—the......