1 DECEMBER 2007, page 21

New World Order

Sir: Poor old Irwin Stelzer is stuck in an Atlantico-centric world in which the main debate is still about choosing between Europe and America and deciding which side of the......

Hood's Lack Of Style

Sir: Lord Patten ('Westminster politics has nothing on Oxford's battles', 24 November) shows less than his usual savvy in dealing with the vice-chancellor's departure. It was......

Razing The Issue

Sir: Quinlan Terry (Letters, 24 November) answers Simon Thurley's plea for better architecture by pointing out, with reason, that steel and glass buildings designed to last only......

Poetry Packs A Punch

Sir: Vernon Scannell, who figured in Jeremy Clarke's column last week (Low Life, 24 November), was quite a legendary figure in Milton Keynes, where he was poet-in-residence some......

Devices And Desires

Sir: Page 13 of your 24 November issue carries an advertisement for a BlackBerry with the GPS device showing a location between St James's and Piccadilly. 'Distance to......

Can It

Sir: I would just add one thing to Bryan Forbes's excellent article regarding the dire state of British television (I have earned the right to shout at my television', 17......