1 FEBRUARY 1890, page 2

Sir George Trevelyan Spoke At Doncaster On Tuesday. He Began

with saying that a bouquet of white flowers which had been presented to him by the Women's Liberal Association typified the purity of the Liberal Party, which lived by "purity."......

Mr Morley, Of Course Assuming That All The Complaints Made

of injustice in the decisions of Magistrates and Judges in Ireland are in substance just complaints, asserted that with a Legislature and Administration on the spot, the temper......

Mr. Parnell Will Soon Be Proverbial For The Astonishing...

of his facts. Mr. T. W. Russell, speaking at Glasgow on Tuesday in favour of Mr. Parker Smith, the Liberal Unionist candidate for the Partick Division of Lanark- shire, dealt......

The Liberal Unionist For February Contains Two Very Valu-...

opinions by Lord Selborne and Lord Bramwell, on the subject of Mr. Justice Grantham's decision as to the boy- cotting ease at Liverpool, and Mr. Frederic Harrison's conten- ton......

Mr. Morley Spoke Again At The Liverpool Reform Club On

Thursday. He expected that Mr. Gladstone would be revising the Constitution of the United Kingdom in his eighty-fifth year, as the late President Adams did that of the State of......

Sir Michael Hicks-beach Made A Speech At Chester On Tuesday,

in answer to Mr. Gladstone's great speech there delivered last week. It was a good and entertaining speech, but the greater portion of it is familiar to all politicians. Sir......

Lord Londonderry Was Received With Honour At Belfast On...

in the Ulster Hall, and in making his acknow- ledgments, after describing the great wealth and prosperity of Belfast, he said that the people of Belfast attributed that wealth......

The Solicitor-general, Speaking At The Holborn Town Hall...

addressed himself to Mr. Gladstone's paradoxical statement,—endorsed, we observe, by Mr. Morley on Thursday at Liverpool,—that the appointment of the Special Commission on......